Educating Linguistically Diverse Children

Apache School Practicum
Weekly Scribe
Chapter Highlights/Vocabulary
Sign Language
Oral History Family Story
Book Talks
Midterm Reflection
Final Reflection
Page Title

Fall Of 2008

My name is Heather Olguin and I am currently going to UNM full time and working on getting my Bachelors of Science.  This is my first semester going to UNM and I am going to be spending a lot of time in the schools.  I am excited to have the opportunity to actually go into the classrooms and see other teachers at work.   I have wanted to become a teacher as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, I got off track for a littly while, but I am back and working very hard to finish my education.  I am married and have a thirteen year old daughter and a two year old son.  I am a stay at home mom, but that is a job all in itself. 

I Am From
I am from Plainview, Texas
a place of ranches and farmland
where my life began.
I am from Marvin and Sherry Meek
my loving parents
who raised me to have good values.
I am from having a loving husband
and two great kids
one thirteen years old and one two years old.
I am from children's books, toys,
swings and slides.
I am from homework and volleyball games
to new clothes, music,
and sleepovers from time to time.
I am from "Jacob stop that!",
"Jacob please be quiet!", and
"Jacob don't hit your sister!".
I am from going to college
and finishing my education.
Late nights and very little sleep.
I am from reading mystery and
romance novels.
Going camping and
taking family vacations eveery two years.
I am from playing boardgames,
WII, and playstation to be involved
with my kid's interests and entertainment.
I am from Aztec, New Mexico
where I have spent the past
seventeen years.
I am from raising my kids
with the good values that
I was raised with and
encouraging them to go after
their dreams.