Digital Portfolio

EDUC Teaching Experience (pre-student Teaching
NM Standards & Benchmarks
Aztec Schools
Inspiring Teachers: Empowering Educators Aroung The World
Fall 2008, MSET 365 Microcomputers
Fall 2008
Fall 2008, EDUC 330 Reading in EL 1
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Fall 2008 LLSS 315 Linguistically Diverse Students
ECUC 321 Social Studies in EL
EDUC 331 Reading in EL 2
EDUC 333 Oral & Written Language
EDUC 361 Math in EL
EDUC Teaching Experience (pre-student Teaching
EDUC 400 Student Teaching & Seminar
SPCD 493 Special Needs Populations
EDPSY 310 Learning in the Classroom
EDUC 493 Digital Portfolio Workshop
EDUC 493 Art as Communication Workshop
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LLSS 443: Children's Literature Spring 2010

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Dear Alexa,


I thought everything went well. I feel that it was a really great idea to go around to the different schools in the area to meet the principals and tour the schools. By doing this we were able to know where the schools are and the routine for signing in at the office. Overall, we were able to feel comfortable walking in and saying, “Hello, I’m a UNM student. Can I observe a kindergarten classroom?” The other thing that went well for me was my ten days of teaching. I had a really good teaching experience.  I feel that I learned a lot during those ten days and I was able to work with a great teacher.


I honestly don’t feel like there should be any changes made for this course. It’s a great idea to take the students to visit the schools all over the area. They can see all the different schools who are willing to work with UNM students and allow us to learn by observing and working with experienced teachers.  As for me, I already knew I wanted to do my practicum work and my student teaching in Aztec. I live in Aztec so it’s easier for me to do all my work close to home. I also have two small children, and I have been lucky to have my mom and my mother-in-law to take care of them for me while I’m in school or doing homework for school. They live in Aztec, so it made sense for me to do my work in Aztec schools.


There wasn’t anything that was too difficult for me. I did have a hard time getting in so many observation hours outside of class because I have a four year old and a five month old. There was one week when my mom was sick, there was a week when my son was sick, there was a week when Avah was sick, and there was a week when they both had RSV. So I fell behind and it has been a challenge to get caught up. However, I understand that having to do so many observations is beneficial to us as future teachers. I am a very visual person so I learn better by seeing the strategies of teaching by watching other great teachers.


I really enjoyed my ten days of teaching! I loved working at Mosaic this semester! As you know I worked in Amanda Knights classroom, and I couldn’t have asked for a better classroom to work in and observe. This group of third, fourth, and fifth graders are such great kids. They were so excited to do reader’s theatre, which made me excited to be doing this lesson with them. I have developed relationships with each student and it’s an experience that I will remember forever. One day they asked me if I would remember them when I leave. Each student is so different and they each love different things. Therefore, I told them one thing about each of them that would make sure that I would never forget them. One little girl loves peach signs, so everytime I see a peach sign I will be reminded of her. One little boy always wears his skater hat, so everytime I see one I will be reminded of him. One boy was into skateboards, one was into BMX bikes, and one little girl would always read every free minute she had. When I was able to show them how I would remember them they were so excited, and I know it made them feel special by the looks on their faces. It made me feel good to make them smile and feel special! It made me smile too!


I enjoyed reading the stories in the book, but I feel that my thinking was influenced by observing and working in Amanda’s classroom with her students. This experience has had a huge affect on me. It has inspired me to be the best teacher I can be for my future students. I’ve been able to observe how to introduce a lesson, how to work with a multilevel classroom, how transitions happen throughout the day, and much more.  It has helped me learn about class management. Amanda’s classroom management is awesome! Her students know what is expected of them and they respect her.  This experience, at Mosaic, has had a huge impact on my idea of teaching. I hope to be able to take some of the techniques I have learned at Mosaic and apply them in my own classroom. I would love to break through some of the barriers that restrict teachers from helping kids learn in different ways. Our job is to make sure our students are successful learners. I think that we should be able to do what is necessary to make sure they learn in a way that fits their needs.  I also think that as long as we meet the state standards and benchmarks, how they learn shouldn’t be an issue.


I feel that the most important things I have learned about teaching is to reflect on everything I do and make it better. During my ten days of teaching I reflected everyday and found things I could do differently and would do differently. I have also learned that it is important to know my students. They all have different needs and learn in different ways. It is my job to meet those needs to make sure they are successful in my classroom. I have learned that sometimes school is the only place a child can feel safe, so it is important to create a safe learning environment. One thing that I have learned about in Amanda’s class is classroom management. Her students know what is expected of them as far as their behavior in the classroom and at the school. They are expected to have respect for her, other teachers, and each other, which can contribute to creating a safe learning environment and create a good classroom/school community. Communication is also important for teachers and the students. Communicating with the parents and involving them in their children’s education can have a huge effect on the student’s learning.


Taking this class has been beneficial to me as a future teacher. I have had a great learning experience this semester, and have learned a great deal about the type of teacher I want to be for my students. I have had the opportunity to work at a great school and work with a great teacher. In my opinion, your future students would benefit too if they can do their practicum work at Mosaic. They seem to practice everything that we learn about in the UNM program! After working at Mosaic and seeing the things they do with the students, I would love to break through some of the barriers other schools have that can hold a student back from being a successful learner. I know that it is a long shot, but I will just hope for the best! Thank you for this opportunity! It has been an experience I won’t forget!



Heather Olguin


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